The Disobedient Business® Mastermind is where strategy, humanity, systems, community and thought leadership, all collide in one courageous and Disobedient AF space.⁠ This is not your average mastermind - instead we’ll help you nurture and develop your business with stacks of integrity. 

THE mastermind for business owners setting fire to the BS rule book and build a people-first business where the cost of success is not your integrity.

Includes hot seat coaching, monthly one-to-one calls, copywriting and tech support, frequent "special events" and more.

A high-touch one-to-one and group coaching mastermind for established service-based biz owners looking to set fire to the BS rule book and build a People-First business where you define your version of success! 🤘

The Disobedient Business® Minimind is a hybrid group coaching/ mastermind-style programme for service-based business owners who are in the earlier stages of their business. It’s exactly the support we wish someone had created when we first started out! 

You’ll get regular access to hot seat coaching calls so you can always make progress; review of your copy for all that key content so you can connect with your potential clients; systems and tech support so you can navigate allll the tech decisions in those earlier years; PLUS quarterly planning circles so each quarter is underpinned with a clear strategy and plan.

Group hot seat coaching, strategy, copywriting and tech support for newbie service-based business owners to establish a sustainable and disobedient business they love! Bring that disobedience in from day one - your way! 💪

Pick your own adventure...

You’re just about done with the same old boring-AF BS in the online business space and you’re desperate for something else. Something…dare we say…disobedient?!

You want an honest approach, one that is interested in the whole of your soft squishy humanness without the cookie-cutter formulas and 6-figure BS 🙄. We’re here to help you find better ways - more people-first ways - to be your version of success! Introducing the Disobedient Business® Minimind and the Disobedient Business® Mastermind - we plan to help you do exactly that!

Our group programmes

If you're in any doubt about which programmes to choose, pop us a message on the chat box 👉👇 and we'll happily have a chat and help you choose or, fill in a quick application and we'll help you find the right group programme for you!

£450 per month (appx $575USD)

£250 per month (appx $320USD)

Initial 6m minimum commitment with easy renewal thereafter.

Initial 3m minimum commitment (optional 6 month one-to-one sign up bonus).

Weekly copy reviews with Siobhan or plans, strategies or offer ecosystems review with Pippa. 

Fortnightly copy review with our resident copy coach Siobhan.

Fortnightly hot seat group coaching and monthly "guided group discussion" call.

Weekly** hot seat group coaching calls.

Includes a monthly 1:1 Zoom coaching and strategy call.

No 1:1 calls included.

Focus on sustainable biz practices, scaling & growth, systems that support ease, creating long-term biz "success" for you.

Focus on client attraction, creating systems to support growth and ease, building out beyond 1:1 and sustainability.

For established biz owners - perhaps 3+ years in, with sustained income, looking to the future of growth and life balance.

For biz owners in the earlier stages of their business - perhaps 0-3 years in and not yet creating a sustained income.

Includes monthly 1:1 calls

Want a quick overview of what's what to help you pick the right "Mind" for you?