with Pippa & Lucy Parfait

How we built our business: The Disobedient Business® (non-method) Method

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Hi, we’re Pippa & Lucy Parfait and we’re the Disobedient Business® Co. team helping change-making business owners do things “disobediently”, chuck out the business BS rule book 🙅🏼‍♀️ and *actually* make good money doing it.

We support you to create integrity-packed strategies that work FOR YOU, effective and achievable plans and people-first systems that turn your raving 🐿 🐿 🐿 into a lovely row of 🦆🦆🦆.

Today on the Disobedient Business® Podcast we’re exploring what we’re calling our “Disobedient Business® (non-method) Method”.  It’s the not-so-secret way that we work with folks in the Disobedient Business® Co and it’s as close to a signature method as you’re probably ever going to get from us.

Another solo episode from Pippa where she shares insights into what the Disobedient Business® non-method Method looks like, what the four components are, and why we advocate for a non-method method in the first place. The Disobedient Business® (non-method) Method is the antithesis of a framework, a system, a blueprint, or a 10-step formula (🤢).

The doors are closing on Wednesday 7th September for the Disobedient Business® Mastermind – send us a DM today on Instagram or book in for a chat with Pippa here!

Check out this month’s Disobedient Business Bite here.

Our group programmes The Disobedient Business® Minimind and The Disobedient Business® Mastermind are now enrolling – check them out.

Visit our website at disobedientbusiness.com

Come say hi at hello@disobedientbusiness.com

Come and chat on Instagram at @disobedientbusinessco